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How to Solve Your Christmas Storage Problems

Tis the season to be festive, and with the festivities and fun comes a little hard work and possibly some stress. Families gather together for Christmas, part of the magic is in the entertainment and the huge family dinner – the rest of the magic is in the gifts and tinsel and twinkly lights.

Here’s the problem, though: where on earth are you going to put everything to make room for the fifteen cousins and their partners? And after Christmas has gone for another year, where are you going to put all the chairs you bought in for the occasion?

Your solution? Storage units!

No matter how many times you say you won’t do it, you know you’re going to go and buy added decorations for your Christmas tree. You know you’re going to invite all the extended family over for a mince pie and brandy cream, even though last year the house was so full you swore you wouldn’t do it again. This is the thing about Christmas; the stress? It’s not really stressed. It’s the work you put into making the occasion an amazing one for the whole family. However, it’s not quite Christmas yet, which means you’ve got some work ahead of you to make this year the most magical yet.

Making Room

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are a big deal for most households, and it’s usually because the family start to descend on you for dinner. Last year, you had relatives standing around the room or perched on cushions on the floor, but this year you can do one better. Get some cheap, foldaway chairs and keep them in a storage unit. You may well only use the unit for Christmas storage because the garage is already filled with all of your belongings – there’s no room in the attic for the chairs! So, a storage unit is going to be the best place that you can store them after the day has passed.

It’s not just making room for people to sit, either. Have a look around your lounge. How many people can you fit in there without moving out some of the bookcases and units? It’s probably not many, but if you have a storage unit, you could do a run to it a few days before Christmas, clearing out some of the furniture and having somewhere safe and secure to keep it while you all enjoy your Christmas Dinner. It’s the perfect solution, too, as it doesn’t have to be long term or particularly expensive.

Making room for the whole family can be rather a conundrum, but if you consider a little bit of money could be spent storing all the furniture you don’t need in the way, you’ve also got the security of a storage unit that a covered tarp in the garden won’t give you.

Gifting Guises

As the whole family is coming over, you need somewhere to store the gifts so that you don’t give up the ghost about Father Christmas (NB: we believe in FC, but just in case you don’t). A storage unit could provide you with a hideaway for the gifts for the children so that their Christmas magic isn’t ruined. It’s also a good place to store gifts and toys after the day has finished. There are a lot of people who prefer to keep hold of childhood toys for years, but that doesn’t mean that there is any room for them to stay. A storage unit can provide you with a place for your memories to live, while you’re living your life at home. Christmas comes but once a year, but storage is around as long as you need it!

Deck The House

Every year, you’ve got to get the house decorated for the season. Whether you do it in November (remember, the elves will disappear if you do) or in December, you have a tree and decorations to put up, as well as twinkly lights on the house. If you don’t have a loft space or an appropriately sized garage, you’ll need somewhere else to put the decorations for the next year. The good thing about a storage unit is that you can get your decorations in large plastic boxes and in a unit to keep them dry and clean until next Christmas. Christmas storage isn’t just about extra tables and chairs for the family; you can add the decorations in here and then you get to use the space in your house for the other things you need through the year.

After The Season

When Christmas is over with, you’re left with a house full of extra chairs, extra tables and even decorations and a tree that need to be taken down. You’ll also have older toys in boxes that the kids want putting away with new toys to replace them. You can choose two ways to act:

  • Put the chairs and tables, decorations and toys straight into storage ready for another Christmas
  • Keep out the chairs and tables and decorations and throw a massive New Year party!

If you choose to throw a bash for New Year’s Eve, you’re going to need to keep those tables and chairs available. This is the beauty of not investing in long-term storage. A unit should be what you need, and if you want to have access to your belongings without having to give notice, then you need to look into a storage unit with Henfield Storage. Our units are controlled by you – so if you want to get into your things, you can do it whenever you want. We don’t open on Christmas Day, but if you’re trying to get to your chairs on Christmas Day, you’re not too organised!

Give us a call today and get a quote for your Christmas storage unit. It’s the gift you need for yourself to lessen the stress at this time of year. Merry Christmas!

Henfield’s Storage Services Across the UK

The holiday season is magical, but we know it can come with its fair share of challenges—especially when it comes to finding space for everything. That’s where Henfield Storage steps in! Whether you need a place to store decorations, extra chairs, or gifts for Father Christmas to deliver, we’ve got you covered.

Self storage

Our storage facilities span across London the UK, providing secure and convenient solutions in areas such as:

With Henfield Storage, you’ll find peace of mind knowing your belongings are safe in facilities equipped with 24/7 CCTV, flexible rental options, and our lowest price guarantee. Make this Christmas less about the clutter and more about the joy.

Ben Sutton-Jones

By Ben Sutton-Jones

Ben has worked in the storage industry for over a decade. His expertise and knowledge is often called upon by colleagues and customers alike. He has a passion for writing, and so branching out into blogging was a natural move. Ben is a keen reader and also follows many sports, especially football. He is a beekeeper in his spare time and enjoys tending to his bees. If he's lucky he may even get to harvest a little honey from time to time.

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